The Art of Dennis Bredow | retro | modern | art |

Art From Mars

Do you know what that is? That, my friends, is the signature of one Robert Mars.

And … oh nothing … it’s in my living room.

I am now the proud owner of an original Robert Mars. When I first came across his paintings I literally thought I should give up my pursuit of fine art altogether. Everything I hoped my work would become was already represented in his portfolio. They included all of the nostalgic icons I love (including but not limited to: the Mobil pegasus, the Texaco star, classic cars, etc). It was actually a little depressing.

Over time I grew to appreciate the differences in our style, our technique, and our point of view and eventually came to realize that there is always room for more art and more artists. But my appreciation drove me to write to Mars and inquire about his work. I was surprised when he replied. I was even more surprised when we began a dialogue about our work. I am probably most surprised that my work now hangs in his home, and his in mine.

The piece on it’s own is spectacular (just look at that sweet high gloss finish). You really have to see it in person to appreciate it. Bold colors and subtle details mean you can look at it for hours and still find something new to appreciate.

But to me it will always represent something much more. Mars has been so generous with his time and advice, and has been a true encouragement to me. It will serve as a constant reminder of both his talent and his kindness.
